BAA “Self-Expression – Palette Knife Realism” Workshop

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3-Day Workshop with Artist Karen Weihs / “Self-Expression – Palette Knife Realism”
Friday – Sunday, October 4-6, 2024, 9:00 am –4:00 pm

Using Cobra Oils (water mixable) with many tools, students will take a cityscape or landscape towards abstraction. Bring your various brands of oils and try my Cobras with them. Learn various techniques on how to manipulate palette knifes and make a great variety of marks with brushes and knives. Each morning there will be demos and in the afternoon I will spend time with each student helping them through the process. I come with lots of materials and paints to share.

Minimum of 8 students, Maximum of 16 students
FEE:  $450.00 for Booth Museum Members, $525.00 for not-yet-members


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