BAA “Color, Light, and Movement” Workshop

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3-Day Pastel Workshop with Artist Tara Will / “Color, Light, and Movement”
September 5-7, 2024, 9:00 am –4:00 pm

In this workshop we will focus on accuracy in seeing values, ways to produce contrast with color, and how to use mark-making to move the viewer’s eye around a painting. Using these tools, we will focus on producing paintings that help move a viewer’s eye. By working with intention with these tools, we can influence how a viewer “feels” about our painting. Please bring photo references that you personally have taken, with an emphasis on light and shadow patterns. If you do not currently have these references, please go out prior to class and look specifically for references that have strong light and shadow patterns.

Minimum of 10 students, Maximum of 16 students
FEE:  $425.00 for Booth Museum Members, $500.00 for not-yet-members


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