BAA 3-Day “Portrait Painting with a Limited Palette” Workshop

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3-Day Portrait Painting Workshop with Artist Kristina Havens / “Portrait Painting with a Limited Palette”
January 29 – 31, 2025, 9:00 am –4:00 pm

This class is designed to help you paint more with less.  By limiting our palette, we can achieve several key characteristics in our work:  paint language, mood or atmosphere, and visual impact.  Focus of the workshop:  Paint characteristics…Oil paints have a wide variety of transparencies, chroma, and texture.  By understanding these unique properties, we can use them to our advantage.  Excellent inspiration…Looking at our source photos, we can determine which ones will best translate into a fantastic painting.  Effective Painting Strategy…From start to finish, are we using the oil paint in the correct order, building a painting that will capture something beyond a likeness.

Minimum of 6 students, Maximum of 16 students
FEE:  $350.00 for Booth Museum Members, $425.00 for not-yet-members

CLICK HERE to register.

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