BAA 3-Day “Energized Start, Graceful Finish” Workshop

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3-Day Figure Painting Workshop with Seth Haverkamp / “Energized Start, Graceful Finish”
Wednesday-Friday, June 18-20, 2025
9:00 am –4:00 pm

In this workshop, students will work from a live model to vigorously apply paint in simplified blocks to capture the gesture of the pose. Using a limited palette, students will paint with both thin and thick paint, in conjunction with wiping paint out, to achieve a successful drawing. Students will then work on pushing values to paint in the fall of light and add a three dimensional effect. Using a grey toned canvas with paint scumbled over it, with thick paint in the lighter areas, a fully realized figure can be achieved. Paint manipulation and brush handling will be discussed and demonstrated. Seth will discuss how this leads directly into a multiple layered studio figure painting. Seth will also discuss the similarity between painting from life and from photographs.

Minimum of 8 students, Maximum of 16 students
FEE:  $475.00 for Booth Museum Members, $550.00 for not-yet-members




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