“Aesthetic Tools for Landscape Design” Indoor Oil Landscape Workshop

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5-Day  Indoor Oil Landscape Workshop with Artist Jill Carver / “Aesthetic Tools for Landscape Design”

Jill will discuss concepts and techniques aimed to resolve and strengthen motifs and improve overall design, from initial ‘thought boards’ to actual preparation techniques. She will illustrate how unity and variety are used to create overall harmony. The class will explore the aesthetic principles of motif, notan, shape, value and color management, and the use of grids or armatures to divide up the space and help with placement. She will discuss the science of how we see and how we can control eye movement.  Moving on from advanced design concepts and tools, Jill will tackle the practical techniques of scaling up a design through to ‘surface quality’ issues of working larger, working wet-over-dry, re-working passages that need correction, and the use of mediums, glazing techniques and varnishes. Jill will structure the workshop through daily set exercises, lectures, demos and brainstorming discussions.

Advanced-beginner to advanced level painters.  You must be an experienced and regular painter to fully benefit from this class.

Monday – Friday, March 18-22, 2024
9:00 am –4:00 pm
Minimum of 10 students, Maximum of 15 students
FEE:  $720.00 for Booth Museum Members, $795.00 for not-yet-members

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